Monday, January 19, 2009

More Horsewhispering stuff!

Hello, hope all is well in your world. All is good in mine, have had some interesting and exciting times with Jim and Youri. I went down to Jim on Wednesday and as it was yet again raining we decided to do some body work on Youri in the great indoors. This was in the form of the Linda Tellington-Jones TT touch. Among Jims many other talents (I've been paid handsomely to say this!!) Jim is also a practitioner in this method. In Lindas words "the intent of the TT touch is to activate the function of the cells and awaken cellular intelligence and by doing so offers a positive approach to training, improving performance and health of the horse. The TT touch helps to release tension and increase body awareness". It was great to see the different reactions from Youri, when Jim worked on his head Youri kept trying to bite Jim and then as Jim worked down Youris body, Youri would lower his head and lick and chew and he looked really chilled out. I am looking forward to being able to work on Youri and looking for changes.

I went back to Ballyteague on Saturday and we went for a hack, Jim and the 3 dogs, Max, Sally and Peggy and Youri and I. It was pretty windy and the longer we were out the worse it got, we have this block we can do, it is normally pretty quiet traffic wise and not far from home, we get to a stretch of road where we have ditches on the left and a canal on the right. Youri knew we were on the home stretch and upped his pace a little, I was a little ahead of Jim when we met more traffic and we stopped and Youri started to get a little uptight. We carried on and the next thing Peggy came running out from a farmyard with a duck in her mouth and was making for the canal, Jim let a roar and she dropped the duck and it went into the canal still in one piece. A jeep came up behind us and I turned Youri to face it and get him to the side of the road, he wasn't impressed and swung round and his hind legs went into the ditch, he slipped a bit but got his balance and we were back on hard ground. We got over that hurdle and the next thing, Sally decided to jump into the canal to chase the swans. I carried on and just as we reached the corner for home, there was a swan waddling away in the middle of the road with a car beeping at its bum, Youri jumped when he saw it but fair play to him he didn't panic, I got Youri out of the way and Jim caught up with me and got me off and left me holding Youri while he set off to fish Sally out of the canal (Sally is quite old has been fished out on previous occasions as she wasn't able to make it up the bank). Just as Jim headed back to get her, thankfully there was Sally trotting towards him. Jim gave me a leg up and believe it or not we all made it home alive, very wet but alive. Very well done to Jim for dealing with all of us in a calm and confident way. I was also very impressed with Youri who was a pretty cool dude.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to see TTouch Method being used. If anyone wants to investigate Linda's work further go to
